
Forgiveness & love.

I truly enjoy writing.

There is something about getting your ideas out of your head that is very freeing.. and, perhaps, unless you are a writer you may not understand the depth found there.

But then again, aren't we all writers and poets? We are all going through this world with our own worldviews, taking in the moments.. the scenery.. the experiences.. and are writing novels every single day.


I was writing in my notebook the other week when I was getting my oil changed for my car and feel that these are thoughts I would like to share. I'm writing a book... though it is sporadically that I actually add to that - and, quite frankly, who knows when that may be finished. :)

(Jan. 2, 2010)


Possibly one of the most beautiful acts. There is no one in this life who doesn't love receiving forgiveness. Giving it is quite another feeling. It can be one of the most difficult things one does in life and yet it is very freeing. Not only does the one giving the forgiveness get freedom, but also the one who receives it. You can feel such a sense of love in it and through it. You can say, "I love you," and the one you are telling will surely feel a sense of love, but show forgiveness and that kind of love is so evident and deeper than any spoken word.


At a very young age, we are exposed to this concept of love. As babies, our parents (and quite inexplicably more - our mother) show us love. The media portrays love quite boldly - forcing any youth who is exposed to it to gain knowledge (however skewed). As a result, the youth today are growing up far more quickly than when - for example - I was a youth. As a result - naturally - desire forms early to experience this love that it seems everyone shares.
Relationships are jumped into. Innocence - which should be so treasured - is lost. Love is cheapened - to the extent that it cannot be as treasured as it first was. Words become cheap, but the need to hear them still remains.


I just celebrated my #28 birthday.
Birthdays are so great, aren't they? You can't help but feel so spoiled with everyone wishing you well, giving you presents, doing things for you. :)

Life is pretty great. You never know what's around the bend, but I do know that I'm grateful for everything and everyone in my life.

Thank you, God, for all of it - for the truth and for enjoying this life while we are here.